Smart Kids Foundation
Tech for Needy Classrooms in Developing Nations

I really like what you are trying to accomplish. Better yet I have access to laptops, software, and other older technology. I am intrested in donating it to Smart Kids.
Hoorey! That's awesome. Let's get in touch. We can set you up with boxes and packaging materials to get the product to us. We will let you know when the laptops are delivered so you can see the impact your donation has made.
I think you are doing awesome work! How do I help?

I don't have money or laptops, but I really what to help, is there a role for me?
Absolutely! We have two opportunities for you. The first is our digital street team. Share, like, and retweet our posts so others can also find out about Smart Kids. Second, if you are a college student or office worker ask your IT department if they have technology available for donation and match it to our 'need' list.
Street Team
Technology Partner
I believe in what you are doing and want to become a financial partner. Education is our greatest asset.
You're my hero! All donations are tax deductible. You can donate with credit card, paypal, or even by the good old post office. We need YOUR HELP to keep changing lives!
Did we mention that you rock!

Financial Partner